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Friday, 27 April 2012

Outlook Integration with SQL Server

Outlook Integration with SQL Server:
1.       To Integrate into SQL Server we need NAS to install.
2.       While installing the NAS we need to select the Outlook Integration and Employee Portal.
3.       The Employee Portal is useful when with Navision Employee Portal.
4.       Once the NAS has been installed, we need to do the following.
5.       Go to Control PanelàAdministrative ToolsàApplication Server Manager for Microsoft Dynamics NAV.
a.       In the Left Side of the Navigation Pane, we can able to see the Application Server for Microsoft Dynamics Manager. Right click on it. Select NewàApplication Server.
b.      The “Server Name” will be the name of the Server(In my system it was localhost) where NAS was installed.
c.       The “ServiceName”: Go to the StartàRunàServices.msc, you can find the Services for the application server of SQL.(Application Server for Microsoft Dynamics NAV Classic <SystemName>-SQL). Right Click on it. Go to Properties. Find the Service Name and enter it.
d.      Click ok.
e.      Now when you expand the Tree We can able to find the Service Name as  a child.
f.        Double Click the Service Name and the new screen will open on the right hand side
g.       We need to fill the following details:
                                                               i.      Database Server Name: your SQL Server Name
                                                             ii.      Database Name: the Name of your database
                                                            iii.      Company Name: The Name of the company that exists in the database you have selected.
                                                           iv.      StartUP Parameter: OSYNCH
                                                             v.      Net Type: TCP/IP Sockets
                                                           vi.      Object Cache Size:8000
                                                          vii.      Now we need to click “Apply these settings” and then Click “Start Service”
6.       Now Go to StartàRunàServices.msc
7.       Find the Application server for SQL Server and then Right clickà Properties
8.       Go to the Logon tab and then Select “This Account” while selecting this we need to give the credentials as same as the Windows authentication.
9.       Now you need to stop and restart the Service.
10.   Once the above process has been completed. We need to give some setup in the Navision.
11.   In the SQL Server database, we need to setup the following
a.       Windows Login Roles and Synchronization:
                                                               i.      Check for the Windows Login is created for the User and Role is assigned to Super
                                                             ii.      Also check that Login is synchronized with SQL Server.
b.      Create a Salespeople:
                                                               i.      You can create a New Salespeople for working on the synchronization.
                                                             ii.      In the Navigation Pane, Go to Sales & MarketingàSalesàSalespeople.
                                                            iii.      Create a new code and then followed by name.
                                                           iv.      Leave all the columns blank.
c.       Change Log Setup:
                                                               i.      In the Navigation Pane. Go to AdministrationàApplication SetupàGeneralàChange Log Setup.
                                                             ii.      Once the form has been opened. We need to check whether the “Change Log Activated “is TRUE. If not make that option as TRUE.
d.      Outlook Synchronization Setup:
                                                               i.      In the Navigation Pane. Go to AdministrationàApplication setup àMicrosoft Office Outlook IntegrationàSelect Outlook Synch. User Setup.
                                                             ii.      Select the User Id and in the Synch.Entity Code Select Press F6 and select CONT_SP
                                                            iii.      Followed by select the CONT_COMP, CONT_PERS, APP, TASK
                                                           iv.      Once after selecting this we need to choose the No. of Elements for App and Task.
                                                             v.      Now go to the Line of APP, Navigate to the column No. Of Elements and then Press F6
                                                           vi.      A new screen will open like the following.
                                                          vii.      Press F6 and then select Links and then Click OK.
                                                        viii.      Followed by enter the New line and then press F6 and then select Recipients and then click Ok.
                                                           ix.      It will look like the above and then press Esc to exit from the screen.
                                                             x.      Now navigate to the Next line and click the APP Line. The No. Of Elements will appear as “2”.
                                                           xi.      Now go to the Line Task and then select the No. Of Elements and then Select “Links”
                                                          xii.      Now the No. Of Elements will appear as “1” when navigated to next line and then select that line.
                                                        xiii.      Now we need to select the condition for all the lines.
                                                        xiv.      In the App Line, Navigate to the condition Column. Click the Assist-Edit Button.
                                                         xv.      Select a new salesperson’s code we have created already like below.
Where RS is the salesperson code I have created newly.
                                                        xvi.      Likewise we have to select the same condition for the CONT_COMP, CONT_PERS and TASK.
                                                      xvii.      Now in the CONT_SP line, the condition should be “Field Name “as Code, “Type” as CONST and the “value” as your own salesperson.
                                                     xviii.      Once after finishing we need to work on the Outlook.
Open Outlook:
1.       In the Outlook below the Toolbar you can able to find the Synchronization tools.
2.       Now go to Settings .
3.       In the General Tab Select the Options  as
a.       Show Synchronization Progress
b.      Show synchronization Summary.
4.       Then Select the option as Resolve Conflicts Manually
5.       Now Navigate to the Connection Tab and then choose the SQL Server. Here the CFRONT.Net will be choose automatically
6.       Now we have to Give the SQL Server name in the “Server name”
7.       Followed by the Database and then company of the database.
8.       You must need to Test the connection else you can’t proceed further.
9.       If your Test Connection succeed then you can proceed further else you have to resolve the error manually.
10.   Now Navigate to the Folders tab. You can see the following options as empty.
11.   You need to Browse to get the value needs to be filled.
12.   For Each Options Click Browse and then Choose the Particular folder for them.
13.   Microsoft Dynamics NAV Tasks: Here We need to choose the Mail-box “tasks”
15.   Then press ok.
16.   Now in the NAV Meetings we need to Browse for the folder for calendar.
18.   Now Go to the Inbox create a separate folder for the Storing the Contacts, Salespeople and Person.
19.   In my Inbox I have created a New Folder called CRONUS India Ltd.
20.   And within that Folder we need to create 3 more Contact Folders.
21.   Let me show you how to Create Contact Folder.
22.   Select the CRONUS India Ltd Folder and the Right Click New Folder
23.   Now I have created a new contact Folder for the storing the Contacts.
24.   Likewise we need to create for Salespeople and Person
27.    we can’t able to see that in the Inbox but it is present in the corresponding folder.
28.   Now we have to select the above created Folder in the Respective Folders Tab of the Settings of Outlook synchronization.
29.   NAV Contacts of the company type: Need to click the Browse and then Choose  InboxàCronus India Ltd and contacts.
31.   NAV Contacts of the Person type: Similarly to the contacts of the company type we need to choose Person Here
32.   NAV Salespeople: Like the above we need to choose the Salespeople folder for linking the salespeople.
33.   Once After linking all the corresponding folders we need to Navigate to the Filters tab.
34.   If needed you can filter for each of the Contact, Person, Salespeople, Tasks and Meetings.
35.   Now Navigate to the Customize tab.
36.   Already Three Options are selected in the tab, now we need to select the Full Synchronization also.
37.   Now Click Apply and then Click Ok.
38.   Now we can able to see the Toolbar like this.
39.   Now we need to choose the Full Synchronization.
40.   We can able to see the Synchronization Progress.
41.   If the Synchronization has errors then the Troubleshooting will have RED LIGHT.
42.   Now Click the Synchronize Button.
43.   After that go to Salespeople in the Contacts of the Outlook.  we can able to find the RS(in my system, newly created Salesperson in the Navision database).
44.   You can able to see only RS because in the Filter of the Outlook Synchronization User Setup we have filtered only the Salesperson RS . so the salespeople other than RS can’t be visible here.
45.   Double click it we can able to see the full details
46.   Now In the E-Mail Id type the email address.
47.   Click Save and Close.
48.   Then again click the Synchronize button.
49.   Go to Navision and navigate to the Saleperson RS.
50.   Now we can able to find the Email id you have given in the Outlook.

Likewise we can able to synchronize meetings, tasks, company of the contacts and person of the contacts.
Kindly check for the Following link for the demo of the synchronizing all the above:

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